Puig den Valls belonging to the municipality of Santa Eulalia del Rio is 12 kilometers away and situated on the outskirts of Ibiza is attached to some of the housing blocks on the boundary line in the Balearic islands. Until 70’s, this place had only a countable farm house that belongs to the rural community of the Nuestra Senora de Jesus. In 1970, when the holy church was populated with the garden houses, it was then built and later a few blocks of the home were constructed for the inhabitants. You find small communities like Cas Corb, Can Cabrit and Can Negre adjacent to Puig D’en Valls.
Puig D’en Valls is an old name of the hill just opposite to the Ibiza port. Its summit is crowned by the tower mill Puig den Valls, already existed in 1791. Some of the journals mention that the building has been repaired to maintain the fidelity of the state. Well, the festivities are celebrated annually and to say on the 3rd Sunday of May.

Beautiful local sights and attractions
Discover a selection of the most beautiful places and attractions in PUIG D’EN VALLS

The Puig d’en Valls commune only consisted of a few farm houses. These farms belonged to the parish of the Nuestra Senora de Jesus. In the later years...
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The population of Puig d’en Valls is 3613. This figure is according to the 2006 census. The population density is 92 per mile....
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The climate of Puig d’en Valls is Mediterranean and temperate in nature. Maximum temperatures are tolerable even in the summer months. The winter clim...
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